Campus News/Gists

NALS Says it Rejects “Retrogressive Acts” of FIBSA “Saboteurs”

Do Not Fall for Tricks of Barnabas, Atiku-led Saboteurs – NALS Warns

The National Association of Lanlate Students (NALS) has rejected the resolutions of some stakeholders of the Federation of Ibarapa Students Association (FIBSA), which it described as illogical, irrational, and retrogressive acts.

The association stated this in an emergency press release signed by the national president, Mr. Akinleye Akınkunmi, on Saturday, February 3, 2024.

My Akinkunmi explained that the decision to reject the resolutions of those he described as agents of destruction was reached after an emergency meeting by the leadership of NALS and student leaders in the community.

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The NALS President disclosed that as part of efforts to critically sabotage the union and its progress, they created a faction and lobbied for government backing through a Senior Special Adviser to Governor Seyi Makinde and the State Commissioner for Youth and Sport, Mrs. Wasilat Adegoke.

He added that they, however, met rejection from the government office holders.

Campusnews360 gathered that some persons who referred to themselves as stakeholders and the Transition Committee of the Federation of Ibarapa Students Association held a meeting where an electoral committee, which shall organize a national election, was constituted.

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Read the full press release and FIBSA Stakeholders Communique below.


Emergency press release:

The leadership of the National Association of Lanlate Students (NALS) yesterday 2nd of February 2024 was notified a of purported communique resulting from a earlier rumored retrogressive and disruptive meeting by some agents of destruction who has been pillaging and sabotaging FIBSA for the past 6 years or more, the communique confirm the outcome of findings of the NALS about the actios these enemies of progress which include: Ayandele Ayuba from Eruwa (Former FIBSA president), Micheal Adelakun from Eruwa (former VP), Mr Gbenga Ogunjimi Exponent from Tapa, Mr Wasiu Oke Pattern from Tapa , Mr Barnabas from Eruwa (the ring leader) , Mr Dauda Kazeem (Atiku) from Igboora (the ring leader), Mr Onifade Gbenga (Gbengene) from Igangan, all of whom has contributed in sabotaging the union in various capacities including, holding the constitution hostage leaving the union lawless until new one was drawn and also assets of the union is held hostage till today, spreading fake rumors, creating factions and parading fake representative of the union, siphoning and channeling union benefits from the government to their pockets. All these to sustain their personal interest especially the last part stated above which is their critical goal.

These people has been the enemy of progress and are majorly responsible for various crisis the association as faced in recent years including the challenges the difficulties face by the GT-Mike led administration. In an attempt to critically sabotage the union and her progress again they have created a faction out of the blue and has lobbies government backing through SSA to the Gov. Seyi Makinde and the commissioner for youth and sport which was both met by rejection. They intend to do damages just to have their way hence the communique released by them yesterday.

As a result, the Leadership of NALS, the students leaders in an emergency meeting and with the backing of the entire memeber of the association has unanimously rejected the communique and as well as the participation of NALS in such irrational, illogical and retrogressive act. As a result, the fake electoral nominee from Lanlate one Mr Bayo Omidokun who after engagement by the association denied the knowledge of his nomination, is with immediate effect rejected, and the rumored Mr Victor Olayiwola Victor (Vicluv) who nominated him is not an executive, stakeholder or student leader of NALS and for this reason lacks the right to do so, his action has been deemed treasonous by the association as it collides against the allegiance and interest of NALS at FIBSA and what we stand for in general, necessary measure will be taken to curb, correct and control the damage.

We reiterate our support for the authentic FIBSA whose incumbent government is the GT Mike led regime where we have representatives as well as a bonafide electoral committee nomination in person of Mr Igbalola Sheriff for conducting election and smooth transition into a new regime. We shall continue to foster cooperation amongst all town and ensure progress of the association as we’ve been always known for.

Finally the association is ceasing the medium to sound a warning to every and any member of NALS found conniving with this group of destroyers and enemies of progress, there will fatal consequence for such action including possible banning or expulsion from the association.


Communique Issued At The End of a meeting of Federation Of Ibarapa Students Association (FIBSA) Stakeholders and Transition Committee


The caretaker committee of the  federation of Ibarapa Students’ Association (FISBA) under the leadership of Comrade Michael Adelakun, wish to inform the general public that the tenure of the caretaker committee appointed by the stakeholders of the union has lapsed and we hereby present the electoral committee which shall organize a hitch free election according to our mandate after vigorous deliberation with the concerned Stakeholders of the union


Based on the resolution reached at the 2- day extra ordinary congress of the union held at Igboora on the 26th, 27th June , 2022 in the presence of the DSS officials ,where it was advised that the two parallel factions be disbanded and caretaker committee was set up on the same day with the following responsibilities.

Padding the affairs of the union.

Reconciling the conflicting sections of the constitution.

Organizing credible elections.

Restoring the two disbanded factions back into the union.

Peace Efforts Made From Caretaker Committee So Far

Immediately, we took over the mantle of the union, we appealed to both warring factions to allow for peace. While comrade Paul from Igangan who is a leader (president) to one of the two disbanded factions promised to abide by the decision of the extra ordinary congress, comrade   G.T MIKE claimed to have changed his mind, after his acclaimed wide consultation with his unknown leaders and since then, he has re-presented himself as the authentic president of the union . All efforts made to change his orientation had yielded no fruit.


It was made known at the said extra ordinary congress by the security agents (DSS) that the two parallel elections were conducted and two factions of excos produced. Both Paul and GT mike agreed at the extra ordinary congress with the DSS POSITION at the presence of the students’ populace with the stakeholders, until after his acclaimed consultations that he changed his mind and allowed himself to be used as anti-progress.


The extra ordinary congress had noticed a pre-programmed scandals waiting for implementation by G.T MIKE and his co-travelers. But despite disbandment, G.T MIKE was still caught by his acclaimed legislators and he was suspended for financial misappropriation which would have been averted had it been that they all yielded the earlier warning from the entire extra ordinary members of the congress.

All the above has nothing to do with the real image of the union since the entire public is aware of how the highly treacherous factional leadership led by GT Mike had refused to yield to the dissolution which paved the way for the caretaker committee.


The committee had considered the general opinion of the students that the following issues be resolved before any new election can be conducted;

1.Equal number of delegates per town. 2.Rotation of key posts along the towns not Local govts.


The committee resolved in favour of the above as follows;

1.Three (3) delegates each shall be nominated from the each of the seven {7] towns across Ibarapa land.

  1. The president shall come from Igangan being the first town from the extreme end of Ibarapa North, while the Senate President start from Lanlate.
  2. The president shall then move to the next town (Tapa) while the SP the move to Eruwa after Lanlate

4.The tenure of excos and Legislators shall be only a single tenure of one {1} year.

5.The issue of Local govt is totally eliminated from the constitution and it has been effective in the new constitution.

5.Every other major key posts shall be rotated accordingly based on the new constitution.



1.Electoral committee shall conduct the screening for the 21 delegates to be sumitted by each towns in Ibarapa.

2.Electoral committee shall organize and conduct a credible election with strict compliance to the new constitution.

  1. Electoral committee shall write to inform all stakeholders;police,Dss,govt officials,students populace and the union leadership about her readiness for the elections.


The newly constituted electoral committee wish to inform the general public that the elections into various offices shall be conducted as follow;

1.Nomination of candidates/sales of forms (Feb 1st 2024 – Feb 15th 2024.

  1. Screening of the candidates (Feb 20th 2024 10 am prompt at Megrass ,Igboora).

3.Manifesto (Feb 23rd  2024 12pm @ Megras Igboora).

4.Elections (Feb 24th,2024 9am.  Igboora)

N.B: All interested members are advised to meet with the electoral committee members from their respective towns for details.

Finally, as we are poised to organize a free, fair and credible election,we welcome your positive contributions towards the success of the process.

Thank you all and God bless”

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Gafar Ojedapo

Gafar Ojedapo

About Author

A journalist of repute and indefatigable zeal. Always impactful and unrelenting in efforts at ensuring the latest and updated information is circulated to his audience. A holistically competent humanitarian blessed with critical thinking, problem-solving skills and positive values

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