Campus News/Gists

Tips to Succeed in any University

Tips to Succeed in University

Tips to Succeed in University: Students who are successful have been known to imbibe the culture of seriousness and also have fun when the need arises.

Successful students stick to the established schedules and always make good use of their time inside and outside of the classroom.

The tenants for being successful in the university corroborate both the learning and the social part, that is, students who turn out to be successful are also known to have a good time.

In this blog post, we will be looking at several tips that can be embraced by students in order to succeed in the university.

  1. Prioritize your studies

The basic and most important priority of students in order to succeed in school is their studies. While other social activities such as making friends, and extra-curricular activities may be important, students should never neglect the time that is meant for studying.

The prioritization of studies means that students must see studies above all other social activities. For instance, you should be able to cancel a party you have 2 days before your exam when you are not prepared enough.

The most cogent point about prioritizing studies is that it should be on top of the list.

However, this does not connote ignoring all other things that are important for studying, there is a need for a balance between social requirements and studying.

  1. Embrace Punctuality

One of the important qualities to embrace as a student is learning how to judge time and arrive at the time you are expected.

It is safe to plan to arrive early anywhere in order to get situated, prepared and focused on learning new things. You have to be punctual in all ramifications as a student if you want to be successful.

Tips to Succeed in the University

  1. Honesty

It is pertinent to avoid copying and cheating as a student. Attempt originality by doing your homework yourself.

To be successful, negative behaviours such as cheating must be avoided. You would agree that it is better not to do so well in an examination one is not very well prepared for than to be caught cheating.

These negative behaviours, if not avoided may turn out to form bad habits for students down the line.

Be a disciplined student who cannot be easily intimidated by peer group pressure. While some negative behaviours are customary and regarded normal in some schools, to be a successful student, it is pertinent to stand out from these dangerous behaviours as they may be a hindrance to reaching your full potential.

  1. Remain Focused

To be a successful student, you must have the ability to remain steadfast and achieve set tasks and objectives.

For example, if you set out to read a course outline for a particular period of time there, is the necessity to commit to doing so.

There must be a balance between the period of time you used for studying and breaks.

As a student, if your focus moment cannot last for more than 20 minutes, you can work on it gradually and continue building up the minutes till you become better.

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  1. Don’t compare yourself with others

Being a successful student, you don’t necessarily need to compare yourself with others you can succeed on your own terms.

It is not required of students to compare themselves with what their brothers, neighbors, and colleagues do in school as a measure of their own personal life.

Doing comparison can only bring about disappointment and unnecessary competition because a student’s mind is bound to get bogged down by what other people are doing.

Have the ability to see what other people are doing as normal and focus on how to make yourself successful in your own unique way.

In fact, when you compare yourself to anyone, it is rather insulting.

  1. Try to Make Incremental Progress

Life on its own is a step-by-step, to be a successful student, progress should be done in an incremental progression.

In order to be a successful student, it may be dangerous to aim from a “D” grade to a “B” grade. Rather, trying to improve to a “C” grade so as not to be overzealous and end up disappointed.

Successful students know that it is okay to improve gradually.

Tips to Succeed in University

  1. Get excited about the materials

Being successful requires passion and interest to acquire knowledge. Successful students care and are interested in the materials that they study and use for learning.

The benefits of this interest and passion are always recorded when they get their As as grades.

Get excited about everything you are learning. When you come across topics of interest to you in class, do well to have extra reading to get more excited about the topic.

  1. Paying attention is crucial

Though students may not be interested in all topics and lectures, it is paramount to pay attention to all of these topics.

Being a successful student requires absolute attention to every single subject that comes your way.

Keeping eye contact with your lecturer or teachers is important in paying attention in class. This allows for the understanding of what is being discussed and creates an opportunity for asking a question in cases of confusion.

      8. Note-taking

Taking notes in class is crucial for the success of every student. It is also a way of keeping students engaged during lectures.

Note-taking performs complementary functions to lecture materials because these notes have been written explicitly in words understandable by the student.

While taking notes creates a familiarity between the materials and what is being said by the teachers in the class, it also makes students feel more accountable in the classroom and helps them pay attention.

Tips to Succeed in the University

  1. Ask questions

There’s the need to ask questions in order to be a successful student in the classroom.

When you are confused or uncertain about some things that have been delivered in the lecture, without interrupting the lesson, you should ask the questions for clarification.

Apart from clarification functions, asking questions in the classroom makes you an active part of the class discussion and contributes to the process of learning the materials.

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  1. Participate in Class

Being an active member of the class is also important to be a successful student.

Well, it has been recommended that you ask questions for clarification, It is also required of you to answer questions that are asked by teachers in the class.

Being an active participant in class discussions help students to have the best learning experiences as well as develop good relationship with teachers.

This participation goes beyond the confines of the classroom, successful students must imbibe the culture of actively participating in group academic and social activities. Successful students must have the ability to work independently and as a team with others.

Tips to Succeed in University

  1. Avoid Distractions

Activities such as socializing with friends, and pressing phones among other things form parts of distractions for students in class.

Students who want to make use of the most of their learning experience must avoid these distractions but rather focus as much as possible.

All fun that students want to have may come up later, it should not come as a distraction during study time.

In cases where others are trying to distract you, you can politely ask them to stop.

Another form of distraction is worrying about the class that is yet to start, instead, focus on the class at hand and worry when the next class begins.

  1. Develop good relationships with teachers

In order to succeed as a student creating good rapport with lecturers helps in creating strong communication connections.

It is important to always show up in class on time and obey all rules and regulations set by the teachers in other to make the most of your study.

There is no need to worry in case you are named the teacher’s pet for being nice to your teachers, it is an effort to be a better student, and you should not be blamed for that.

Tips to Succeed in University

  1. Identify a study method that best suits your learning style

It is paramount to know your learning style in order for you to be able to establish the best study method that suits you. Some of the common learning styles and tips are discussed below.

  • Auditory learners. Auditory learners learn through listening. This learning style can be done by recording lecture notes and repeating them. Auditory learners can also repeat notes for course materials to themselves or participate in group discussions in order to understand the course of discussion and effectively study.
  • Visual Learners. As a visual learner, that connotes that learning becomes easy through the usage of images, pictures, and spatial understanding. Drawings, diagrams, charts and colour-coded notes are also efficient means of note taking for this learning style.
  • Physical learners. The set of learners that best learn through the usage of their bodies, senses of touch, and hands are referred to as physical learners. For this learning style learning can be done by memorizing notes through walking or using other activities that require physical body movements or touching things while learning.

Tips to Succeed in the University

  1. Remember to have fun

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Having fun may seem unnecessary in order to achieve set goals for students, however, it is actually a key to becoming a successful student.

Students need to dedicate a certain time to regain the energy that has been extended to studying. This time can be used to do sports, hang out with friends, watch movies, just relax, or engage in recreational activities that interest students.

Creating time for fun helps students to reduce the pressure from studying. If the only thing that interests you is your studies, then the pressure may be too much on yourself.

  1. Get a good night’s sleep

Sleep is very very important. As a University student not less than 7 to 8 hours of sleep is the required and recommended sleeping hours. Sleeping regularly helps in good functionality of the brain during the day.


In Conclusion, the task of being a successful student requires students to be confident and stay motivated. No time of the student should be laid to waste, instead every second minute hour of students must be spent productively and carefully.

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Gafar Ojedapo

About Author

A journalist of repute and indefatigable zeal. Always impactful and unrelenting in efforts at ensuring the latest and updated information is circulated to his audience. A holistically competent humanitarian blessed with critical thinking, problem-solving skills and positive values

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