Answer WAEC Questions: Preparation and planning must be the watchword of every individual who wants the best possible grades in the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) Examinations.
Reading and revision strategies are recommended for good memory techniques.
The attempt to pass with flying colors WAEC starts from the confidence and organization of an individual in the effort to pass the examination.
The gradual process of preparing for an examination, writing it, and passing it is a skill that can be improved by instruction.
In this blog post, students will be enlightened on strategies to employ in answering WAEC questions better.
Tips to Answer WAEC Questions
1. Time schedule
Schedule your examination time in accordance with the number of questions you are answering.
For example, in a case where is student is required to answer six (6) questions under a Forty-five (45) minute timing. He or she should strategically use five (5) minutes for each question.
When the 5 minutes set for each question is complete, then the next question must begin, this is to ensure discipline. By this calculation, at the end of the six questions, the student is expected to have fifteen (15) minutes.
These 15 minutes can be used for answering unfinished questions. The logic is that students would more likely receive more credit for Six (6) incomplete answers than for only three (3) complete answers.
Also, note that questions that attract more marks should be allotted more time.
2. Read the questions
A student who has well prepared for an examination becomes familiar with the answers of the questions the moment he/she comes across them.
These ideas and hints to the answers, as fresh in the mind should be noted down as they may be unavailable when students attempt to answer the questions later.
The anxiety and fear that arises from answering difficult questions may affect further remembrance of what has been read.
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3. Study the directive words of the questions
Every question is to be answered in specific ways. It may be required students to evaluate, explain, analyze, or discuss a particular concept or theory.
Any attempt by students to do the opposite of the directive may result in not getting the deserved credit for the question. Thus, it is important to know what is expected in a question and do it.
4. Outlining Answers before answering
The organization clarity and compactness of answers impress the teachers. Students must briefly plan on how the questions will be answered without forgetting the directive words in the questions.
It is better to write little in a compact and clear manner than right write in a poor manner.
Tips to Answer WAEC Questions

5. Always Write an introduction and summary
Add value to your answers by briefly introducing them with an introduction that consists of the main point to be made.
The answers can be complemented by a summary of the answers, that is, a paraphrase of what has been discussed in the answers.
These two concepts make reading satisfying to the reader. However, the questions must be answered directly without adding unnecessary information.
6. Proofread your paper at the end
A particular number of minutes should be allocated for proofreading your answers at the end of the examination. This is because, in the process of writing in haste, students might omit important words or parts of answers.
Words can be misspelled as well as mixing dates and figures. Proofreading the answers provides the opportunity to correct these mistakes.
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7. Not sure of answers? then qualify answers
In answering WAEC questions, when students are uncertain about definitive figures, it is better to approximate and not give definite statements.
For example, it is smart to use ” Before the end of the 20th century” when you are unsure whether it is 1998 or 1999. Using qualitative methods gives you a chance to get deserved credit.
Tips to Answer WAEC Questions
8. Preparation Checklist
The night before the examination, you are expected to do the following.
- Confirm the timing and the location of your examination
- The examination equipment – pencils, calculators, biros water, etc. must be readily available.
- Decide on the clothes to wear for the examination. This decision may be influenced by the temperature of the examination environment.
- Do not forget your examination ID card.
- Set an alarm to wake you up early.
- Eat good food and have enough night’s sleep.
On the day of examination do the following.
- Eat well on the morning of the examination.
- Confirm that your examination equipment is with you before leaving the house.
- Get to the examination center early.
- Do away with a phone before the examination
In the Examination Room, do the following
- Again, confirm that all necessary equipment for the examination is with you. In case you forgot some, do not hesitate to inform the invigilator.
- Ensure your comfort before the commencement of the examination.
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